Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday October 27, 2007

I am sitting inmy Development of Christian Thought class. Trying to listen and take notes at the same time. I am extremely deficit in writing in this blog. The latest on the house is that we have a new green steel roof with 3 sky lights in. I started cleaning the attic up and got about half done. I was so tired. It is a really big room now that the chimney is down. Grandma came and saw the 1st and 2nd floors. I was so glad she got to be there. I think she should be at Aunt Carol's this weekend. Not sure. Not sure when she is coming back either. Well gotta go.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I am on hold with an insurance company-5 minutes and counting, so decided I would just blog. Then they hung up on me. Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Okay I am done swearing and will now type again. I just hope I get to talk to a live person sometime. Okay back to work.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Boy, I haven't blogged for a long time so this may be long. I wonder if I am talking to myself but maybe I will look back on this and remember things I did that I had forgot. Yesterday I worked on laundry on vending, went to an auction, worked on the house, did standby on the ambulance and then went back to the auction and went to Doc's 50th birthday party. I am so sick of vending I want to scream. I hate it, Tom hates it, the kids refuse to do it and I don't know how to stop doing it. We will lose lots of money but I don't care anymore. I am so tired of it. They had an auction down at Martindale's on Saturday. Tom got a blade to go behind his tractor, Jayton got a set of golf clubs for 2 bucks. One guy bid $1 and then I told Jayton to bid 2, the guy looked at him and said awe let the kid have em"! Jayton was so happy he was jumping up and down. It has a glove with it and everything. He is set now! Tom bought a car for Brie. A 1992 Oldsmobile 88 with 136,000 miles on it. It is red and seems in pretty good shape. He only paid $700 so think it was a good deal so far. I wanted a corrall (sp?) but didn't get it. I didn't think it was fair as everyone else got something but oh well. I got a headache last night that turned into a migraine today. I have taken axert twice and its down to about a 2-3 on the pain scale. It is right behind my left eye. I hate when I get these. Needless to say I have done nothing all day. I have so much to do it is unbelievable. Grandma comes on Wednesday and I am so not ready. My house is a pit and I have schoolwork up the gazoo, I supposed to be helping with a Kid's club or Awana program get started at our new church. The list never ends. I woke up yesterday morning at 4:30 am stewing about all I had to do. I think I am a little stressed and overwhelmed. We had Hannah and David here this weekend too, also Genna was home from college and Jocelyn came out from Omaha. It seemed like there were people everywhere. Hallie worked all weekend so at least that was one less person home for awhile. We got the roof on the house mostly done. We added 3 skylights in the attic room. One doesn't open but the other two do. We need to take down the chimney now. Tom said to day he thinks we probably should just gut the kitchen and start over. Oh, yeah. I am at the point were he does the work so whatever he thinks we should do is fine. He said that we don't have room to put a double sink vanity in the mainfloor bathroom. I think a single sink with a bigger countertop is fine. If anyone read this and has suggestions please comment. I am going to try and get pictures of the roof on this week if I can remember to take Hallie's camera to the farm. Oh, we got 4 cats for the farm too. Tiger, Rascal and two black ones I don't know the names of yet.