Thursday, December 18, 2008

Terrible Weather

It is Thursday night and we are all huddled in the living room watching TV and trying to stay warm. Genna is home from college. The weather outside is awful. I went to North Bend this morning to cut toenails. I have my reservations had canceled so that was easy. Then went up to Dodge and took blood pressures. They let me eat lunch with them and it was so good. A breaded pork patty with gravy and saurkraut and dumplings. Yum, yum. The sun was shining and blue sky when I got there. I left at 2 and to the south it was really cloudy and to the north it was still blue sky. I ran errands when I got back to Fremont and then had my pre-op physical appointment. By the time I got out of the dr's at 5 it was starting to rain and get icy. I went 50 from Fremont to Cedar and then 25 from Cedar to home. The guy in front of me was going really slow and still managed to slide past his corner. The kids all want a snow day. I don't plan on sending them to school in Fremont for sure first thing in the morning and the boys only if the bus picks them up. I don't see any way of the roads getting better until the sun hopefully shines tomorrow or there is more traffic on the roads.


Joan said...

I was looking for a new mailing address for you and saw your note about your gallbladder surgery. OMG!
I hope you are feeling well again and strong really soon.
I'm glad I had the idea to look at your blog.
Did you find your camera batteries? Pictures of Christmas at the farm are a must.

Mary Connealy said...

Tonja, Fremont? North Bend? Dodge?

Email me girl. You're my neighbor darned near. We're about 45 miles north of Fremont on the river.

Well, not right ON the river (thank the Good Lord!!!)

Mary Connealy said...

oops, sorry. Email addy.